
Maryland Buddhist Vihara conduct Buddhist themed programs for families to spend mindful time together in a peaceful community.

Annual Katina Celebration 2022​

All-night Pirit chanting will be held on Saturday, November 5th, 2022. On the 6th Sunday, Katina Cheevara Pooja, Dahavala Sangha Gata Dakshina and Kathinanisamsa Dharma Desana. The Kathinanisamsa Dharma Sermon will be conducted by Rev. Middeniye Buddhika Thero, Parivenadhipa Sastraveda of Moratuwa Mettin Pirivena. Mr. and Mrs (Dr). Upul Perera, Mr. and Mrs. Chalanga Salgadu, Mr. and Mrs. Damith De Silva and Mr. and Mrs. Pushpa Galappatti contributed to it.


When we meditate, we inject far-reaching and long-lasting benefits into our lives: We lower our stress levels, we get to know our pain, we connect better, we improve our focus, and we're kinder to ourselves. Let us walk you through the basics in our new mindful guide on how to meditate.


Buddhist worship takes the form of meditation, devotion to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, and living with moral purity in one’s thoughts, words, and actions. It has a wide variety of manifestations.


The mission of our youth programs is to help children and teenagers develop self-awareness, kindness, and a sense of interconnectedness with all beings and our world.

Who We Are

Ven. Karaputugala Indrarathana Thero is the founder of Sri Sambuddhaloka Viharaya, Hagerstown, MD. Also Thalarukkaramaya, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka and Maha Viharaya, Panadura, Sri Lanka. He completed his Masters in 1993 from the University of Sri Jayewardenapura, Sri Lanka. He Completed two diplomas in Astrology in 1998. As a Government teacher, he taught Buddhist Civilization and Buddhism for 10 years.

​​The Buddha taught us that virtue is the foundation for all of the good qualities
we can develop in the mind.  By following five basic training rules
we can eliminate worry and regret that disturbs our meditation.
As well, we avoid all the unpleasant results of unwholesome actions.

I observe the precept of abstaining from killing living beings. This means not intentionally causing the death of any living beings.
The Five Precepts
I observe the precept of abstaining from stealing. This means not taking things that do not belong to us.
The Five Precepts
I observe the precept of abstaining from abstaining from sexual misconduct. This means not having sex with people we are not married to or with people against their will.
The Five Precepts
I observe the precept of abstaining from telling lies. This means saying what is true at the proper time.
The Five Precepts
I observe the precept of abstaining from using intoxicating drinks and drugs. By following this precept we are committed to having a clear mind at all times.
The Five Precepts

Learn the Great Teachings of the Buddha

We are extremely fortunate to be living in a time when the original, ancient teachings of the Buddha are still available to us. The Buddha taught that there are four steps we need to follow in order to achieve the goal of true happiness: 1. Associate with good people who know the Buddha's teachings and who are trying to follow them. 2. Listen carefully to those teachings. 3. Reflect wisely on those teachings and apply them to our lives.​ 4. Put those teachings into practice and lead our life according to their instructions. (SN 55:5)When you come to our monastery and meditation centre you will have the chance to meet people who are learning these teaching and trying to put them into practice. You will be able to listen to the Buddha's teaching from monks who have been trained in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. All of the teachings and meditation instructions you get when you are here, comedirectly from the ancient scriptures found in the Sutta Pitaka . We have many resources for you to learn the teachings of the Buddha

Never been to a meditation centre or temple before? Don't worry! You'll feel at home soon.

Meditation Programs

Metta Meditation

Metta (Sanskrit Maitra) is usually translated as ” loving-kindness” or “Loving friendliness. The object of metta meditation is loving kindness (love without Upadana) that is, love without attachment. Radiating metta could contribute to a world of love, peace and happiness. Metta meditation is a good way to calm down a distraught mind and some consider it to be an antidote to anger. Recent neurological studies have shown that metta meditation can increase one’s capabilities empathy by changing activity in certain areas in the brain. 

Anapanasati Meditation

‘Anapanasati’ is a compound word in the Pali language, the language spoken by Lord Buddha. ‘Ana’ mean In-Breath. ‘Anapana’ means Out-Breath, ‘Sati’ means Mindfulness.Hence the term Anapasati means Mindfulness of Breathing. It is a meditation that practice mindful observance of one’s breath. Meditation calms the mind and gets rid of disturbing thoughts.This is the hightest state of peace of mind. The practice of Anapanasati is a tool free oneself from suffering generated by un-controlled thoughts. The practitioner is expected to ignore all thoughts that distract one from focus on the breath, simply observing as the thoughts rise and allowing them to dispassionately whither away.

Buddhanussati Meditation

Contemplation of the qualities of Lord Buddha is called Buddhanussati. The word Anussathi in Pli language means repeatedly directing your mind to the same thing. Thus Buddhanussati means repeatedly directing your mind to the qualities Lord Buddha. The purpose of directing the mind to the same meditation object or topic is to prevent defilements or hindrances entering the mind. In this meditation we direct the mind to the qualities of Lord Buddha as the object of meditation.

Visit Sri Sambuddhaloka Buddhist Vihara

15325 National Pike Hagerstown, Maryland, 21270

Contact: +1 347 283 0211